Our San Diego Sail 2009 Blue Moon

Our San Diego Sail 2009 Blue Moon
The sunset was magnificent on this night!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Tues. 8-10-10 Dinghy Ride to Two Harbors in search of Wilson

Jamie made us fresh blueberry pancakes, Canadian bacon, and sausage for breakfast with coffee. Great recipe Jamie. I learned about Jamie's special coffee cup. It is blue like his boat, Tardis.

11:00 We took the dinghy to Two Harbors. Isthmus Cove is on our side and Catalina Harbor is on the other side of the island. Most refer to Catalina Harbor as "Cat Harbor."

The boys tackled a 3+ hour hike while I relax and read at the local restaurant. I took a warm shower on shore, journaled for my blog for a while, and read the rest of the time.

I really love the idea of cruising and waking in many different ports. The romance of traveling by sailboat and being in the moment are really appealing to me now.

The boys returned and reported seeing Wilson on the trail. Wilson is one of the lonely bull Bison that roams the island freely. A small group of them were brought to the island for a film shoot years ago, and were left there after the movie was shot. That small group has grown to herd of 180 bison.

Capt. Jamie has been a super gracious host I had some concerns about being an a small space with two men for 8 days. I have always been one who loves my quiet time and space. During this whole time I never felt I was imposing. I felt completely comfortable in my own idyosyncratic skin the entire time.

Jamie is a patient instructor, who welcomed us with open arms as we invaded his quiet time and space. I was astounded that there was ample space on board, should I have felt the need to take some quiet time to myself.

Interestingly enough, I didn't need space or quiet time. I am usually claustrophobic in small spaces. This was not the case at all.

There are signs posted all over town as of Sunday August 8th about Frank Cipriano, a missing person, from Avalon. Word has it that his boat was vacated, his dog(s) were still aboard. His dinghy was found loose and empty down aways from the boat. Call Avalon Sheriff if you know of his whereabouts. 310-510-0872.

We took the dinghy back to our anchorage, had a bevie, and read some more before doing some boat chores. The boys put the dinghy and motor away and they cooked Brats in beer, then BBQ'ed them. We had Rob's salad, Jamie's red cabbage, and potato salad.

9:00 PM and it was part 2 of the Portugal slide show time continued.
9:50 PM Rob and climbed onto the deck and sat under the stars and the Milky Way. We listened to the sound of the gentle waves lapping at the boat sides. It was another gorgeous way to spend our day!


  1. I continue to be amazed at the menus, the cooking that is going on and men that cook! Tell them I am very impressed. Annie you are being so pampered. Good for you. I too am surprised that you didn't freak out in the tight spaces. I guess when you are out at sea nothing like that matters. Gee you could be a nomad and wake up somewhere new all of the time.

  2. What a romantic, living in the moment time you had!
